Your search for [author]G. N. Pandey returned 66 records. |
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Dwell time and average local speed in a resonant tunneling structure.
by Pandey, L.N.;
Subject: Resonant tunneling; Dwell time.
Upland rice, household food security, and commercialization of upland agriculture in Vietnam.
by Pandey, S.; Los Baños, Laguna: International Rice Research Institute, 2006.
Subject: Upland rice -- Vietnam04; Rice farmers -- Vietnam04; Agriculture.
Cases in financial management.
by Pandey, I.M.; New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000.
Subject: Corporations -- Finance -- Case studies; Business enterprises -- Finance -- Case studies.
A textbook of botany.
by Pandey, S. N.; New Delhi: Vicas Publication, 1981.
Subject: Botany -- Study and teaching.
Structural adjustment and forest resources: the impact of World Bank operations.
by Pandey, Kiran D.; Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 2001.
Subject: Structural adjustment (Economic policy) -- Environmental aspects -- Econometric models; Deforestation -- Econometric models; Economic development -- Environmental aspects -- Econometric models; Loans, Foreign -- Environmental aspects -- Econometric models; Environmental impact analysis -- Econometric models.
Synthesis of 2 ethyl-5-methyl-3, 4: 6,7-dibenzomorphan.
by Pandey, R. K.;
Subject: Chemistry; 2 ethyl-5-methyl-3, 4; 6,7-dibenzomorphan; Chemical synthesis.
Kinetics of alkaline-catalyzed cardanol-formaldehyde reaction. I.
by G. N. Pandey;
Subject: Cardanol-formaldehyde reaction.
Upland rice, household food security, and commercialization of upland agriculture in Vietnam.
by Pandey, S.: Khiem, N.T.: Waibel, H.: Thien, T.C.; Los Banos, Phils.: International Rice Research Institute, 2006.
Subject: Upland rice -- Planting -- Vietnam; Rice varieties -- Vietnam; Rice planting rites -- Vietnam; dg10; Agriculture, forestry and fishery.
Statistical techniques in life-testing, reliability, sampling theory and quality control.
New Delhi: Narosa Pub., 2007.
Subject: Accelerated life testing -- Statistical methods; Reliability (Engineering) -- Statistical methods; Sampling (Statistics).
A farmer's primer on growing soybean on riceland.
by Pandey, R. K.; Los Banos, Laguna: International Rice Research Institute, 1987.
Subject: Soybean; Soybean -- Growth.
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