Your search for [subject]Book reviews returned 96 records. |
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Subject: Book Reviews; Practical Handbook of Electro-PLating -- 1934 -- Book reviews; Southeast of Zamboanga by Vic Hurley -- 1935 -- Book reviews; The Elements of a National Minaral Policy. Prepared by the Mineral Inquiry: C.K Leith, Chairman, American Institute of Mining and MetallurgicalEngineers -- 1933 -- Book reviews; Biology for the Public School Adminstrator by Frederick Fitzpatrick -- 1934 -- Book reviews.
Book Reviews.
Subject: First-Year Mathematics for Colleges by Paul R. Rider -- 1949 -- Book reviews; Alternating Current Machinery by L.V. Bewley -- 1949 -- Book reviews; Pre-Medical Physical Chemistry by F.A. Matsen, Jack Myers and Norman Hackerman -- 1949 -- Book reviews; Physical Chemical Experiments by Robert Livingston, Rev. ed. -- 1948 -- Book reviews.
Book Reviews.
Subject: Book Reviews; Bergy's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology by R.S.Breed, E. G. D.Murray and A. Parker Hutchins. 6th ed. -- 1948 -- Book reviews; Experimental Physics for Colleges by Walter A. Schneider and LloydB. Ham. Rev. ed. -- 1949 -- Book reviews; Biochemical Preparations by Advisory Board, W. Mansfield Clark and others. v. 1 -- 1949 -- Book reviews.
Subject: Book Reviews; A Practicasl Text-book of Infection, Immunity and Specific Therapy with special reference to immunologic technic by John A. Kolmer -- 1917 -- Book reviews; American Addresses by Sir Berkeley Moynihan -- 1917 -- Book reviews; Tumors of the Nervus Acusticus and the Syndrome of the Cerebellopontile Angle by Harvey Cushing -- 1917 -- Book reviews.
Book Reviews.
Subject: Book Reviews; Surface Active Reagent: Theoretical Aspects and Applications by C. B. Young and K.W. Coons -- 1945 -- Book reviews; Zinsser's Textbook of Bacteriology Revised by David T. Smith and others. 9th ed. -- 1948 -- Book reviews; A Textbook of Heat for Upperclasmen by Le Roy D. Weld -- 1948 -- Book reviews.
Subject: Book Reviews; A Systematic Handbook of Volumetric Analysis by Francis Sutton. 10th ed. -- 1911 -- Book reviews; Chenmistry of Food and Nutrition by Henry C. Shorman -- 1911 -- Book reviews.
Subject: Book Reviews; A Monograph of the Anopheline Mosquitoes of India by S.P. James and W. Glen Liston. 2d ed. -- Book reviews; Who's Who in Science (INternational) edited by H.H. Stephenson -- 1912 -- Book reviews.
Book Reviews.
Subject: Introduction to Semi-micro Qualitative Chemical Analysis by Louise J. Curtman, Rev. ed. -- 1950 -- Book reviews; The Moa-Hunter of the Maori Culture by Roger Duff -- 1950 -- Book reviews; Man's Physical Universe by Arthur T. Bawden, 3rd ed. -- 1950 -- Book reviews; Natural Gas and Natural Gasoline by R.L. Huntington -- 1950 -- Book reviews.
Book Reviews.
Subject: Radio Aids to Navigation by R.A. Smith -- 1948 -- Book reviews; Analytic Geometry by Roscoe Woods, Rev. ed. -- 1948 -- Book reviews; Strength of Materials by Joseph Marin -- 1948 -- Book reviews.
Subject: Book Reviews; Naval Hygiene by James Duncan Gatewood -- 1910 -- Book reviews; A Manual of Toxicology by Albert H. Brundage. 7th rev. ed. and profusely illustrated -- 1910 -- Book reviews; Laboratory Textbook of Embryology by Charles Sedgwick 2nd rev. ed. -- Reviewed by Elbert Clarke -- 1910 -- Book reviews; Medical Education in the United Staes and Canada. A Report to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Bulletion No. 4 by Abraham Flexner -- Reviewed by Lawrence E. Griffin -- 1910 -- Book reviews; An International System of Ophthalmic Practice edited by Walter L. Pyle -- Reviewed by T.C. Lyster -- 1910 -- Book reviews.
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