Search Results
  Search result  Your search for [subject]Clams returned 50 records.  
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  Book Allozyme electrophoretic methods for analyzing genetic variation in giant clams (Tridacnidae).

Camberra, Australia: ACIAR, 1993.

Subject: Tridacnidae; Electrophoresis; Giant clams--Sample collection and storage; Giant clams--Isoenzyme analysis.

Relevance: 13.45%
  Book Genetic aspects of conservation and cultivation of giant clams: report of the workshop held on 17-18 June 1992.

by Munro, Patricia ed.; Manila, Philippines: International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management, 1993.

Subject: Wild stocks conservation -- Policies -- Preservation of Biodiversity; Population genetics -- Giant clams; Giant clams -- Genetic and hatchery procedure.

Relevance: 13.33%
  Thesis Reproductive conditioning of tridacna crocea (tridacnidae) using algae and dissolved inorganic nitrogen as nutritional supplements.

by Roa, Hilly Ann Marie Fernandez, 1969-; 1997.

Subject: Giant clams -- Nutrition; Giant clams -- Reproduction.

Relevance: 12.12%
  Thesis The effects of zooxanthellae clades A and C on giant clam host, in particular to its early growth, survival, recruitment and response to thermal stress.

by Sison, Marilou P.; 2003.

Subject: Giant clams; Giant clams culture.

Relevance: 11.29%
  Thesis Development of molecular genetic markers for the giant clam, tridacna crocea.

by Yu, Elizadora T.; 1999.

Subject: Giant clams -- South China Sea -- Molecular genetics; Giant clams -- Sulu Sea -- Molecular genetics.

Relevance: 10.91%
  Analytics Endangered RP grant clams find a home in Subic.

Subject: Clams.

Relevance: 9.97%
  Analytics Proposed ement plant threatening Agno giant clams.

Subject: Clams.

Relevance: 9.97%
  Book Uptake and elimination of iodine 131 by the freshwater clem.

by Cuvin, Ma. Lourdes.; Quezon City: U.P.-National Science and Technology Authority, 1984.

Subject: Clams.

Relevance: 9.97%
  Analytics DA allows seeding of giant clams.

Subject: Clams.

Relevance: 9.97%
  Analytics Scientists offer clams for adoption.

Subject: Clams.

Relevance: 9.97%
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