Search Results
  Search result  Your search for [subject]Office automation returned 259 records.  
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  Electronic Resource Manag. off. technol _ Managing office technology.

Cleveland, Ohio: Penton Publishing.

Subject: Office practice -- Automation -- Periodicals; Office procedures -- Periodicals; Business. -- galestne; Computers and office automation industries. -- galestne; BusinessComputers and office automation industries; MAG (Magazine/Journal) -- galestne.

Relevance: 17.79%
  Electronic Resource Off. adm. autom _ Office administration and automation.

[New York, N.Y.: Geyer-McAllister Publications.

Subject: Business -- Data processing -- Periodicals; Office equipment and supplies -- Periodicals; Office management -- Periodicals; Office practice -- Automation -- Periodicals; Word processing -- Periodicals; Business. -- galestne; Computers and office automation industries. -- galestne; BusinessComputers and office automation industries; MAG (Magazine/Journal) -- galestne.

Relevance: 17.16%
  Electronic Resource Adm. manage. (1985) _ Administrative management (1985) _ Administrative management.

[New York, NY: Automated Office, Ltd., Dalton Communications, 1985.

Subject: Business -- Data processing -- Periodicals; Information storage and retrieval systems -- Business -- Periodicals; Office management -- Periodicals; Office practice -- Automation -- Periodicals; Business. -- galestne; Computers and office automation industries. -- galestne; BusinessComputers and office automation industries; MAG (Magazine/Journal) -- galestne.

Relevance: 16.93%
  Electronic Resource Manuf. autom _ Manufacturing automation _ Manufacturing Automation.

Vital Information Publications.

Subject: Automation -- Periodicals; Manufacturing processes -- Automation -- Periodicals; Business. -- galestne; Computers and office automation industries. -- galestne; BusinessComputers and office automation industries; MAG (Magazine/Journal) -- galestne.

Relevance: 16.75%
  Electronic Resource Off. solut. mag _ Office solutions magazine _ Office solutions: the magazine for office professionals.

Mt. Airy, N.C.: OfficeVision, 2000.

Subject: Electronic office machines -- Periodicals; Office equipment and supplies -- Periodicals; Business. -- galestne; Computers and office automation industries. -- galestne; BusinessComputers and office automation industries; MAG (Magazine/Journal) -- galestne.

Relevance: 16.36%
  Electronic Resource Off. syst. (Georget. Conn.) _ Office systems (Georgetown, Conn.) _ Office systems: the magazine for small and medium offices.

Georgetown, Conn.: Office Systems Magazine.

Subject: Electronic office machines -- Periodicals; Office equipment and supplies -- Periodicals; Business. -- galestne; Computers and office automation industries. -- galestne; BusinessComputers and office automation industries; MAG (Magazine/Journal) -- galestne.

Relevance: 16.36%
  Electronic Resource Off. syst. (Georget. Conn.) _ Office systems (Georgetown, Conn.) _ Office systems: the magazine for small and medium offices.

Georgetown, Conn.: Office Systems Magazine.

Subject: Electronic office machines -- Periodicals; Office equipment and supplies -- Periodicals; Business. -- galestne; Computers and office automation industries. -- galestne; BusinessComputers and office automation industries; MAG (Magazine/Journal) -- galestne.

Relevance: 16.36%
  Electronic Resource Infosystems _ Infosystems.

[Wheaton, Ill.: Hitchcock Pub. Co.].

Subject: Business -- Data processing -- Periodicals; Electronic office machines -- Periodicals; Business. -- galestne; Computers and office automation industries. -- galestne; BusinessComputers and office automation industries; MAG (Magazine/Journal) -- galestne.

Relevance: 15.26%
  Electronic Resource J. end user comput _ Journal of end user computing _ Journal of end user computing: an official publication of the Information Resources Management Association.

Harrisburg, Pa.: Idea Group Publishing, 1992.

Subject: Electronic data processing -- Management; End-user computing; Microcomputers; Computers and office automation industries. -- galestne; Computers and office automation industries.

Relevance: 15.18%
  Electronic Resource Insurance & Technology.

United Business Media LLC.

Subject: Business. -- galestne; Computers and office automation industries. -- galestne; Insurance. -- galestne; BusinessComputers and office automation industriesInsurance; MAG (Magazine/Journal) -- galestne.

Relevance: 15.10%
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